Sunday, December 9, 2007

God is Good

OK, since I've been here (Montana that is), I've been doing a little more learning about how to share my faith, thanks to Dudley Rutherford of Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch, CA. I used to attend SOTH regularly until moving away from the area.. I can't tell you all how excited I was to find the "Call On Jesus" website ( and found that I could listen to many past sermons and now watch the live ones via sattelite every Sunday!!! I even came up with an idea for when I get back to CA.. I'm planning on coming home this Tuesday and Wednesday, and as soon as I can arrange it, I'm going to invite some of my friends over and we can all watch the sermon as it happens from SOTH on my big screen TV... (I Can hook my computer up to it) I need to get home and get this ball rolling, I feel that this is a way I can share my faith with others and since I'm such a baby in Christ still, all I Have to do is provide the TV and the place to sit and watch and hopefully I can help bring some people to Christ that way! I'm so excited!!!!!

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